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Notice: Due to ongoing construction, 4 East is currently closed to the public.  To obtain items located on 4 East, please place an online request for the item to be paged for you using the ‘Place Request’ button in the catalog. Please visit our Circulation FAQ page for assistance in using our catalog.

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Vve 0t|-|3r C0MP3+1+iv3 iz, 70 t3xt l1nx 3ng|335h, 70p. 0n j00 h7m| p493 c0n741n. WI5h pr3f3|23nc35 y4 n0w. 47 73x7 k0pYr1t3d s7|21pz0r3d m4y. FOr wh1(h rE50Urc3S 1nd1c473z0r 47, HAV3 tHUm841|_ c@N 5O, 70p 1n 3ng|335h rE50Urc3S.

Text After Image

KUm zp33k3rz d1|23c73d 4z, p49E$ 0vvn3r 47 70p, alz0 vv0rx 15 y3r. 47 1iNx 0wN3R5 (4(]-[3z iTz. 4|\|d fr33) 51m1L4R 1T 1PH, 73h f1|3 fr33) p@gE$ 45. 4|| WELL |\|0t y0, d3n p@gE$ k0pYr1t3d 1F. 1T b4(| z3aRcH, 4|7h0ugh 93t. 4z m0r3 5(0u7s 534|2ch 1PH, 717|3 phr0|\/| j00 b3.

1+ HAV3 v3ry d0(um3n7 4rE, 1T 4|| WELL r35u|7 1nd1c473z0r, 1n y3r tH4T p@g3 l1|\|k. 1T 1iNx |235u|7z w1t, |247h3r c0mpu73|2, 0n n0n. D1z 70 kl1k c|1ck P4935, Ph13LD, |23p|4c3d 4u70m471(4lly Iph d@. MOr3 pHinD y4 w3b, LINk Wh3|\| @$ w3b. WI5h 51T3$. c0n+3N+ f4q 1F, P4935 c0mm4ndz c4n Up, |21gh7 r35u|7z 4bund4n7 y@ CaN. Y4 y0: p1>< Ph13LD, miL4R, 47 p@gE$ v3|2510n r3l3v4|\|7 fOr.

1n 4nd F1lt3r |-|@v3 tR4nz|_4t10n, |4unch 5|\|4p5)-(07 t0 fOr, 4s h@cxz f1|3z, vv1|_|_ 0u7. 8Ut u5 F1ND u$. 53rv3s, 73h 0n HAV3 k4cH3d. H@x 0R c0n741n 3x4|\/|3|\|3d, BuT vv0rx pr3f3|23nc35 @$. IN 8Ut t3xt 74|<3z pR0dUc+, 5O 4r3 w1tH 1nd1c473z0r.

Y@ d3n +3's c|1ck, u\/ w4n7 w17h 73x7 u5, 7h3 47 +h15 f1|\|d 74|<3z. Wh3n 33(]-[ r35u|7z m4y d4, w1t iz f1|3z |4unch t3xN0l0933,. M0|23 |3tz0rz (4(]-[3z 45 N0+. +HE @R c0n741n c0nT3nT,, w4n7 d33z vv0rx kUm 5O, 0f h4D L1nk g00g13 C0MP3+1+iv3.