Notice: Due to ongoing construction, 4 East is currently closed to the public.  To obtain items located on 4 East, please place an online request for the item to be paged for you using the ‘Place Request’ button in the catalog. Please visit our Circulation FAQ page for assistance in using our catalog.
Notice: Due to ongoing construction, 4 East is currently closed to the public.  To obtain items located on 4 East, please place an online request for the item to be paged for you using the ‘Place Request’ button in the catalog. Please visit our Circulation FAQ page for assistance in using our catalog.

Prioritize creation and adoption of open and affordable course content to support student success

Initiative Title

Controlled Digital Lending for Reserve Reading

Initiative Details
Prompted by the COVID-19 Pandemic, the MSU Libraries completely revamped the lending process for Reserved Reading Materials, including material in the Affordable Textbook Project. To give MSU students, faculty and staff quick access to Reserve material, the MSU Libraries now offers Controlled Digital Lending (CDL) for our high-use Reserve items. We are scanning Reserve items and uploading them to Sharepoint, which allows patrons to request these items via the ‘Get it!’ button in the catalog.  A form is then sent to a Patron Services staff member who emails the patron a link to a digital copy of the requested item. These links expire after a specified time so the MSU Libraries are not violating copyright laws. Low-use Reserve material is still available for check out at Patron Services. Returned items must be quarantined for five days before they can circulate again. It has required the collaboration and hard work of several departments in order to make CDL a viable resource for our MSU patrons.

For more information:

Initiative Lead(s)
Systems Unit
Web Services Unit
Hollander MakeCentral
Shannon Cunningham
Erin Weller
Patron Services, Head
Initiative Title

Open Textbook Network workshop

Initiative Details
The MSU Libraries hosted an Open Textbook Network (OTN) workshop for faculty and other university partners in October. The workshop helped launch our participation in the Open Educational Resources (OER) Program, which aims to reduce educational costs for students by providing free, low-cost, and openly-licensed learning materials. Open textbooks are a type of OER and are openly licensed to be freely used, edited, and distributed. Nearly 75 faculty members attended the workshop. The MSU Libraries have 668 titles from the Open Textbook Library available in our Library catalog.
Initiative Lead(s)
Regina Gong
OER Librarian
Initiative Title

Children's and Young Adult eBook Collection

Initiative Details
This new collection was built to support teacher education classes during the 2020-2021 academic year which took place entirely online due to the pandemic. The books chosen were award-winning, genre-specific, and/or curriculum-specific books that were also available as e-books for our academic library to buy. Though children's and young adult book are available in e-book format as evidenced by collections at public libraries, the selection available for our library to purchase through Gobi was more limited than expected.

The project began with a title list from Gobi with award-winning children’s and young adult books from 2015 to 2020. From that list, specific awards were chosen. Within that selection, books were selected based on genre, age, use for the curriculum, and user license. The goal was breadth, not depth, of coverage. Initially, fifty-six books were purchased for Fall 2020 with another twenty-three added for Spring 2021.

Since the students using this collection were accustomed to a physical collection in a specific space and e-books can be difficult to find in our catalog, a guide with links to the e-books was created. It included brief summaries of the plots, awards won, and the number of simultaneous users. This made sharing of the collection simple in a year where ease and barrier removal was particularly important.

Initiative Lead(s)
Elizabeth Webster
Education Librarian and Children's and Young Adult Literature Librarian
Exploration started in August 2020 as soon as the university decided to cancel in-person classes and remain online. At the end of Fall semester 2020, usage statistics were procured to determine if the books had been widely used.