Notice: Due to ongoing construction, 4 East is currently closed to the public.  To obtain items located on 4 East, please place an online request for the item to be paged for you using the ‘Place Request’ button in the catalog. Please visit our Circulation FAQ page for assistance in using our catalog.
Notice: Due to ongoing construction, 4 East is currently closed to the public.  To obtain items located on 4 East, please place an online request for the item to be paged for you using the ‘Place Request’ button in the catalog. Please visit our Circulation FAQ page for assistance in using our catalog.

Student Development & Support

Initiative Title

Digital Scholarship Lab Expansion

Initiative Details
The expansion of the Digital Scholarship lab will allow us to expand the role of the Lab from being a teaching and learning space to also being a space for researchers.  This new area will have dedicated workstations for researchers and a flexible room for research projects that need more long-term space. Faculty offices in this area will also allow for programmatic needs for hoteling in the original Digital Scholarship Lab.
Initiative Lead(s)
Terri Miller
Assistant Dean for Public Services
Initiative Title

Affordable Textbooks

Initiative Details
The MSU Libraries are expanding the Affordable Textbook Program to include new subjects and smaller classes. This program launched in the Fall 2018, and targeted high enrollment courses. In the Spring 2020, the program will serve more than 50 classes, with a total enrollment of over 17,000 students. . This program is intended to help alleviate the high costs that students face when purchasing textbooks and allow easy access to costly texts, supporting students in their coursework. There are 66 unique titles, with 177 copies of textbooks available for checkout. In Fall of 2019, the program was included in the Give Green Day Campaign and the funds raised from that initiative will continue to help this program grow.

More Information:

Initiative Lead(s)
Heidi Schroeder
Accessibility Coordinator
Strategic Direction
Initiative Title

LatinX Student Success Program Collaboration

Initiative Details
The MSU Libraries recently began a collaboration with the LatinX Student Success Program in Fall 2019. The group was looking for a visible and welcoming study space that also reflected their identity. Due to the history of our Cesar Chavez Collection, the space really resonated with the group.  This area provided them with the welcoming location they were looking for while being immersed in the history of the Chavez Collection.  Furniture was added to the space to make it more functional for studying, and specific study hours were created for the Latinx students to utilize this area. The MSU Libraries are hoping to continue this relationship and plan to expand it in the future.

More Information: (web capture April 2020)

Initiative Lead(s)
Andrea McMillan
Chicano & Latino Studies Librarian
On Hold
Strategic Direction