University Archives Contact

University Archives & Historical Collections
943 Conrad Road
Rm. 101
East Lansing , MI 48824
United States

Retrieving Records

To access inactive records that University Archives & Historical Collections (UAHC) manages, call (517) 355-2330 or email If the retrieval request is urgent, please call. Your request for records should include the following information (found on the office's copy of the transmittal/inventory form):

  • Tracking number
  • Box number
  • Folder number or title
  • Document number (if appropriate)
  • Person and office requesting the record

Typical delivery time for retrieved records is two to three days, but it may be a week under certain circumstances.

Retrieved records must be returned promptly to UAHC in order to prevent misplacement or loss.

Returning Records

Once records are assigned a tracking number, they will have a specific, assigned location within UAHC. It is important that these records are returned as soon as possible and are not placed into active files or into a new records series being prepared for transfer to UAHC.

Sending temporarily retrieved records back to UAHC is the responsibility of the requestor. Material should be returned to UAHC via campus mail, by the office's delivery staff, or by contacting UAHC at (517) 355-2330 or for pickup.