Notice: Due to ongoing construction, 4 East is currently closed to the public.  To obtain items located on 4 East, please place an online request for the item to be paged for you using the ‘Place Request’ button in the catalog. Please visit our Circulation FAQ page for assistance in using our catalog.
Notice: Due to ongoing construction, 4 East is currently closed to the public.  To obtain items located on 4 East, please place an online request for the item to be paged for you using the ‘Place Request’ button in the catalog. Please visit our Circulation FAQ page for assistance in using our catalog.

Staff Awards 2021

Stephanie Bour
Staff Recognition

Stephanie Bour, for her seemingly endless good-natured computer tech help and continuously going above and beyond in support of the Library’s mission.  Over the past year Stephanie has effectively served on the Return to Operations Task Force, MSU IT’s Classroom Support Working Group, and the Computer Labs Collaboration Group where she represented the Libraries, provided support in exploring options, and stood ready to implement chosen technical solutions.  Stephanie’s positive attitude and ample patience pervades all her interactions and reminds us that results *and* relationships matter.
Stephanie Bour