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Net Wholesale Price List

Renown Stoves and Ranges
Net Wholesale Price List. The Alan and Shirley Brocker Sliker Collection, MSS 314, Special Collections, Michigan State University Libraries. Available at
This item is in the public domain.
The front panel begins at the top with the title "Net Wholesale Price List" and continues with the brand "Renown" Stoves and Ranges. In the center, the logo is listed consisting of a shield with an eagle above it. Below, the phrases "Taking effect August 1, 1919" and "Prices Subject to Change Without Notice" are written in black lettering. At the bottom, the company name and address are stated. The back panel contains three separate sections including Oak Stoves, Magazines, and Terms. Oak Stoves has five different types of stoves listed along with their prices. Magazines has a few lines describing the features of various items. Terms entails eight different rules and regulations for the "Renown" products. The inside panels feature thirteen separate headings each consisting of a chart or description for products. Some of the headings include Cast Iron Ranges, Steel Ranges, High Oven Ranges, Deduction For High Closets, and Soft Coal Stoves. Every chart includes a column for catalogue Page No., Number, Square With High Closet, and High Closet & Reservoir.