The Janet A. Ginsburg Chicago Tribune Collection

That phoney nickel

A panhandler who has posed as a disable person carries a crutch, a walking stick, and a tin cup. He looks at a coin in the palm of his hand. The man gives the coin to a child who eats it and chokes on it. The man makes the child spit the coin out while a woman watches. The man then puts the nickel into a tabletop coin bank.



12.5 x 35 cm

Tribune Company


  • English

  • still image
  • text

  • These materials are either in the public domain, according to U.S. copyright law, or permission has been obtained from rights owners. The digital version and supplementary materials are available for all educational uses worldwide.

  • The Janet A. Ginsburg Chicago Tribune Image Collection

  • Chicago Sunday Tribune (January 11, 1931), p. 8

  • application/pdf
  • image/jpeg