The Janet A. Ginsburg Chicago Tribune Collection

How photography represents images in action

Series of illustrations acompany an article about motion pictures. The images show facets of Edward Hill Amet's moving picture machine, including several men standing around a motion picture camera on a tripod, the motion of the machine printing, film strips of a train in motion, a man riding a bicycle, and a boxing match, the magniscope, and Edwin Hill Amet (the inventor of the magniscope) standing next to one of his moving-picture cameras.


24.7 x 29.8 cm

Tribune Company


  • English

  • still image
  • text

  • These materials are either in the public domain, according to U.S. copyright law, or permission has been obtained from rights owners. The digital version and supplementary materials are available for all educational uses worldwide.

  • The Janet A. Ginsburg Chicago Tribune Image Collection

  • Chicago Sunday Tribune (April 4, 1897), Part 5, p. 37

  • application/pdf
  • image/jpeg