The Janet A. Ginsburg Chicago Tribune Collection

Another picture for them to paint

An artist (our foreign critics) painting a portrait (the dollar chaser) because alarmed when his subject seems to have undergone a change. The portrait shows a man (U.S. citizen) holding a bag of money and trying to catch a flying dollar with wings with a net. Instead the man in front of him (U.S. citizen) is dressed as Santa Claus and carrying a giant bag (hundreds of millions of dollars worth of Christmas presents given away to loved ones, to friends and charity), the picture of American generosity. In the foreground, a finished portrait (Uncle Shylock), depicts a stern Uncle Sam holding a bag of money.



18.4 x 15.8 cm

Tribune Company


  • English

  • still image
  • text

  • These materials are either in the public domain, according to U.S. copyright law, or permission has been obtained from rights owners. The digital version and supplementary materials are available for all educational uses worldwide.

  • The Janet A. Ginsburg Chicago Tribune Image Collection

  • Chicago Daily Tribune (December 23, 1927), Section One, p. 10

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