Circulation and Lending Policies

Lending Policies and Borrower Responsibilities

Library Users

  • MSU Affiliated:
    • Present your own current MSU ID card each time you check out material. We do NOT accept your driver's license in lieu of an MSU ID.
  • Community:
    • Michigan residents at least 18 years old (who are not MSU students, faculty, or staff) are eligible for community library privileges. Community borrowers must apply for a library card at the Main Library's Circulation Desk. All applicants must present a photo ID and proof of Michigan residence. You may checkout up to two books the same day you apply for your Community borrower card.  You will receive your library card in the mail.
  • Faculty Authorization:
    • Students and staff members may apply for authorization to borrow research material on behalf of a faculty member. To authorize an individual, the faculty member must complete, sign and return a request form available from the Main Library Circulation desk. Authorization cards must be renewed annually.
  • Persons with Disabilities:
    • To request an accommodation related to the circulation of materials in the Gast Business Library, please contact Virginia Boone at (517) 432-7688. For accommodation relating to other aspects of library services, please contact Laura Leavitt Walesby at (517) 355-4647. A Telesensory Reader is available for the visually impaired.

Loan Periods

Generally, the following loan periods apply, although some materials may only be used in the library, or may have special loan periods.

Library loan periods by borrower type and material type.

Borrower type

Books &
accompanying CDs 


CDs & DVDs
MSU Faculty & Staff 180 days Building use only  21 days 21 days 21 days 14 days
MSU Graduate
180 days Building use only  21 days 21 days 21 days 14 days
MSU Undergrad
180 days Building use only  21 days 21 days 21 days 14 days
MSU Student Spouses &  
Community Borrowers
21 days Building use only   21 days 21 days 21 days 14 days


Some material cannot be checked out at all; periodicals, reference materials, items stamped "do not circulate", etc. Reserve materials typically circulate for 2 hours and may not be removed from the library.

Equipment Lending and Locker Borrowing

Power cords, head phones, calculators, white board markers, and lockers are available to checkout. Loan periods vary and the equipment may not be removed from the library. For more information about borrowing a locker, see our Lockers page.

Renewals and Recalls

All material may be renewed except recalled items, reserves, software, and special permission checkouts. Phone renewals are not possible. You can renew library material online.

Notices about library material are automatically sent via e-mail to MSU students, faculty and staff, unless paper notices are requested (in writing to Erin Weller, MSU Libraries, 366 W. Circle Drive, Circulation, East Lansing, MI 48824). It is the borrower's responsibility to read their MSU Net email regularly or to forward to an e-mail account that is read regularly.

If you receive a recall notice on material you have checked out, you cannot renew it. The recall notice will include the new due date, which will be earlier than the original due date. If the recalled item is not returned by the specified date, the borrower's library privileges will be suspended until it is returned, and recall fines will be charged.

Material may not be checked out for others. A borrower is financially responsible for all material checked out using their card. Therefore, theft/loss of an MSU ID or library card must be reported immediately by calling Circulation at (517)355-2333.

If you will be away, you must assure that library material checked out to you will be available to others in your absence. Either (1) return library material before leaving or (2) arrange for someone to watch your mail, have access to library material, and promptly return any items that are recalled.

Fines and Bills

Fines and bills are the responsibility of the borrower regardless of being away from campus for breaks between semesters, vacations, late or never-received reminder notices, etc. When a borrower owes $2 or more, library privileges are suspended without notice until the account is paid in full. Holds are placed on MSU student enrollment, registration, diplomas, and transcripts, which also remain until the account is paid in full.

Fines may be paid at the Main Library Circulation Desk with cash or a credit card. Credit card payments are also accepted by telephone -- call the Circulation Desk at the Main Library at (517) 355-2333.

Overdue Fine Descriptions

Reserve Materials and equipment including the Bloomberg keyboard : $1.00 per item per hour, 24 hours per day, from the time due until the time returned, with no grace period.

Recalled items, software, CDs, videodiscs, special permission check-outs, some 14-day material: $1 per day from the due date until the day returned, with no grace period.


The borrower will be billed for replacement of significantly overdue materials, and borrowing privileges are suspended until the account is paid in full or material is returned or replaced by the borrower. Replacement copies must be approved by the librarian. Holds are placed on MSU student enrollment, registration, diplomas, and transcripts, which also remain until the account is paid in full.

Minimum replacement charges are $100. Current market value is charged whenever it is higher than the minimum replacement charge.

Other Information

For more information about MSU Libraries Lending Policies, see Circulation Policies and Procedures.